
Playing catch up. St Petersburg part I

Hello to my five readers (and that one person in Alaska!). I now realize that I probably started a blog because I was like I don't journal, I rarely email people and lets be honest I just take pictures with my mind so blogging will be a fun way to document life. And then a year went by, ahh laziness.

Tangent: I have trained myself so well in procrastination that I actually have a hard time starting a paper if it is not the day before it is due. I feel like this could come back to bite me, buuuuuut I'm not going to think about that right now.

So, lets pretend it is 2 months ago and this post is timely and prompt!

The Back Story
Mark and I got married on May 5th 2012. We went on a wonderful honeymoon that my family pitched in on (housing wise) it was somewhat close by and very low key and completely perfect. Mark told me before our wedding he was planning something small for out honeymoon because it was so short and that maybe next summer we could do something bigger for our 1 year anniversary. Role to september, I was checking Groupon one day (nifty website that gives decent coupons on almost anything) and came across a Groupon to Russia. Wahhh? Yes Russia. I don't know were my russia obsession came from but it started early in my life (ok it might have something to do with fiddler on the roof, good movie, and my wicked awesome russian accent I picked up in middle school. Man I sound like a cool kid). Anyway I saw the groupon, it was a 10 day trip to St. Petersburg, Nov Gorod and Moscow flight included. What a deal. I asked mark if we could do it for our anniversary and at first he laughed and then realized I was serious and was like, ok ya, lets do it! Man I love that guy, he lets me be so nutty some times. Groupon to Russia? For someone who has never left the country I can't believe russia would be the first place he would want to go but he said yes! 

Fast Forward to June 28
Sadly when we finely went to Russia mark was sick! The first two days were a little rough for him and he spent most of the 17 hour (+6 hour lay over) travel time sleeping. 

Side note: Half way through the trip mark looked at me with a huge smile and said his ears finally popped from our flight over. 5 days! I had not idea he couldn't here me that first half of the trip. Maybe I should be a little more observant? 

Then we made it to St. Petersburg!

^^ Happy man at the St. Petersburg airport

^^ We stayed in a hotel that was within walking distance of the "main road" of St. Petersburg.
I can't tell you how much I love St. Petersburg and it's wonderfully eccentric architecture!
^^ Russia who knew?

For most of the trip we were left to our own devices or could sign up for group activities. There were only a couple things that were truly planned, on the first day we had one such activity. We took a bus tour around the city. We stopped at St. Isaacs Cathedral (pictured above and below, peter the great is statued in the above picture), Peter and Paul Fortress (where the Romanov's are buried) and one random tourist shop. 
^^St. Isaacs 

^^ peter and paul fortress 

 ^^ I think half my pictures  in this place were of these bad boys 
hint: not the last chandeliers in this post 
^^ Romanov's buried right below this, yes, even Anastasia 

 ^^Sneaky mark kept on taking pictures of my back (read: behind) 
 so I give him a "I know what you are doing look"

There happened to be a marathon going on when we took our bus tour so me had a good 20 min wait while a road became unblocked and our tour guide made us get off the bus and look at this "original russian nick-nack" store.  The conversion rate for rubles is 30 to $1. So when we got to the store everything was so cheep! It took us a little bit to realize that everything was actually in Euros  Wah Waa.  So we window shopped and acted like the outrageous tourists you just need to be sometimes.

^^ stack dolls for dayzz

Our last stop of the day was the Hermitage. It is a a palace in the heart of St Petersburg that was converted to a museum. Interesting fact: St. Petersburg was actually known as THE place to build your summer palace or winter palace or vacation home. It was really a town full of royals, so a lot of the building use to be palaces at one time or another. 


 ^^ The elegance in this museum is breathtaking 

^^ Gold and Diamonds ALSO That is the size of my apartment

^^ It was PACKED and no air conditioning 

^^ SO my eyes always found the chairs when we first entered a room. Usually it was me and a bunch of elderly stealing seats whenever we could. THE BEST was when there were chairs in rooms, but wait, they were really old chairs that were just for show. Who does that! I had my fair share of glazed looks in this hot house.

^^ The "Gold Room" All the pillars are actually paper mache and gold leafed over. 
You know, being economical and what not.

 ^^ the floor was wood mosaic. 
Tiny pieces of wood!! mind blown

^^ rebel child. I couldn't... not do it. Right?

^^ Da Vinci and Raphael ( I told mark to reenact it, I don't see the resemblance mark...)

 ^^ behind us is the biggest vase in the world. It is 4 tons. 
What do you even do with that much vase. 

^^ Mark at the weeping fountain.
Look at those fake tears , THIS reenactment went quite well!

This was a very exciting day for our group because someone ALMOST got pick pocketed. I stress almost because it wasn't even close. It was very dramatic. Also there was a nice group of Native American's dancing in traditional clothes and playing traditional music right outside the Hermitage. When in Russia? This concludes part I, Part II will feature the white nights aka booze cruise, Peterhof Palace and church of spilt blood. Stay tuned!  


Just for Giggles

I don't know why, but this gets me every time. 


On becoming a stereotype / college overload

I ran into my cousin the other day, as in I was late to class and doing that really fast walk without running thing (because when you run with a backpack, well that's just embarrassing). And then we got to talking,  our conversation went like this....
Me: hey how are you doing?
Cousin: Good just been a little sick lately
Me: (while rubbing her tummy, its OK we are close) Oh haha what are you pregnant or something
Cousin: actually I was waiting to tell you till I saw you...
Me: what! (mind blown)

I started to tear up and jumping hugs were exchanged. What wonderful news right! After the initial shock I was overcome with the idea that my 21 year old cousin is married and pregnant and still in college. And yet this is not weird.

And then I realized I am also a BYU stereotype! married before I am out of college gasp how could this happen? and yet I know exactly how it happened. BYU is a quite a magical place.

And I am so unbelievably happy for this little ball of sunshine to bring a baby into this world:
(granted this was at least four years ago she is older and much more "mature")

BYU 101:
3 most common reasons to congratulate someone
1. engagement/marriage
2. going on a mission
3. having a baby

Things that are not weird to see or uncommon to over hear on a BYU campus
1. having a baby in your classes
2. looking at a person's ring finger before their face
3. hearing people burst into song (some people find this totally unacceptable cough cough mela)
4. If it is over 50 degrees break out the flip flops and shorts
5. hearing the phrase "I will see you at church" just as much as "I will see you in class"
6. when you hear the word party automatically think of dance or dessert

 It is amazing as an 18 year old I decided to come to BYU just for a year to see how I would like it. four years later I have:

~lived in the dorms and found some of the best friends I could ask for (Jessi not in the dorms but still the best)
~shared a shower with at leas 20 girls on my floor
~ been able to feed all my family with one swipe of my meal plan card (thanks mom and dad)

~ lived with my sister and had some crazy adventures with my family

~ weekend trips to vegas and disneyland

~ meeting this super cute guy ( set up by my sister)

~ falling in love with said guy

~deciding to take him on as a husband

~Going to Jerusalem
~ and all the while discovering who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do

Isn't life great!
BYU I know I complain about how hard your religion classes are, yes I expected that going to seminary at 6 in the morning, every day, would mean I had an automatic A in these classes. What else did we do it for? oh for the experience and education you say? Alright we agree to disagree.  AND I am still bitter about how you are built on a hill and I have repeatedly told Marky that flights of stairs are now my mortal enemy BUT you haven't killed me yet so we are good. forced exercise I guess

Anyway, as you can see I have thoughts on my education. I love going to college and I especially love going to BYU. It is not for everyone, that is why there are so many colleges to pick from. So pick one you could love. It can be fun if you always say yes to new experiences.