
to blog or not to blog

Hello blogging world. I have finally decided to try this thing out. But first let me tell you a little ditty about why it took me so long.

Half a year ago i was in a horribly hard major called actuarial science. I liked it because no one knew what it was (pro). At the same time neither did I (con). To this day all i know about the major is what i could find on Wikipedia. Not a good sign. And who can have a blog when half your thoughts are focused on finding x and the other half just realized x isn't even in this equation! SO no blog for me then. Anywho one horrible semester later combined with the the first round of midterms of another made me realize that this life path was not for me. Nothing says failure better than a 23% on a test. Hello Withdraw button on my class schedule! so i search for my new life.

I found advertising. I knew many people in the communications major that were the complete opposite of me so i never considered it before. What a mistake. I am now in love with all things communications related. And because i am working my buns off to make it into the program i thought it was high time to get a blog. So I am on a quest. Master all things social media related. Cross your fingers that this blog fairs better than my twitter account!

So that is me. Lindsey Frey. Pre-Comms student. lover of cheese and travel. more on that later. as they say in Jerusalem or all places Yiddish Lacheim (to life) To BLOGGING!


  1. Dear world... Everyone NEEDS to read this blog! This girl is absolutely amazing!! Definitely the next big thing in the comms world.. I love this girl!

  2. Mark was definitely paid to say that comment... However I absolutely agree! Welcome Sister. Love it.
